Articles & Resources
EBW Global has become one of the most trusted names in Emotional Intelligence assessments, tools and programmes. Explore our articles today.
The most effective way to improve Influence and Employment
How do you improve people’s ability to influence and to sell themselves after they are made redundant or want to change or start a new career? EBW Global Partners in the UK & Finland investigated this question by examining whether boosting Business Emotional Intelligence would improve people’s impact and influence (and their employment chances).
Why Swearing May Improve Your Sales!
It is generally accepted that using your Emotional Intelligence to influence or persuade others is about understanding other's emotional or behavioural needs.
What stops you having impact and influence?
The skills that make a good manager or a leader tend to be more relational in nature, with most respondents putting communication at the top of the list of skills that make an effective manager/leader.
Emotions beat logic when making decisions
Decision making can be easy but often it is not as easy as it should be. Here are 5 weird facts that improve decision-making in the workplace.
How to use powerful emotions to influence
A key component of Business EQ is Influence - here are 7 quick ideas on how you can use powerful emotions to help people feel more comfortable about changing the way their operate.
Why did Disney invest in EQ to improve customer service?
In the hospitality industry, delivering happiness to customers is a must. What does it take for employees to appear happy all the time?
How to use your EQ to improve public speaking
How to use your Emotional Intelligence to improve public speaking.
Why Do People Not Listen?
Listening is the most over looked management tool that all successful leaders quickly learn to master. The very best leaders actively listen to their staff and, crucially, they take what they hear into account when it comes to their decision-making.

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