Success Stories
Read about the impact that our range of Business EQ assessments, programmes and tools have had in real life businesses and organisations.
Learn how Business EQ can Improve Your Results
Read about the impact that our range of Business EQ assessments, programmes and tools have had in real life businesses and organisations. Let us help you - contact us to start your journey.
“This has been the catalyst to create a Board with more courage and candour, traits which are now spreading throughout the organisation.”
Praxis42 creates an Executive Board with more courage and candour
See how the EBW Team Effectiveness Programme helped the Executive Board at Praxis42 to evolve into a high performing executive team.
“The success of the EBW programme is proved by the fact it has been running for over 5 years”
The Home Office builds a fast track development scheme that works
See how the Home Office improved their fast track development scheme for employees with potential using the EBW Business Emotional Intelligence
“The content is so relevant to our work environment and addresses the issues we face in a ‘down-to-earth’ manner”
A multinational medical devices company increases their financial performance
The Leadership Team in the world’s largest medical devices company overcame multiple challenges & increased performance using the EBW Team Assessment and Toolkit.
“There are no longer any backlogs of invoices, the number of RED projects has significantly reduced, and he has managed to save the company more than £200K”
Global Tech Company in Aviation industry uses Business EQ to coach leadership skills
Read how EBW Certified Partner, Paul Miller, helped a client at a Global Tech Company in the Aviation Industry advance his leadership skills.
"The EBW Emotional Intelligence process has increased Doctors’ self awareness and motivates them in their roles"
NHS Kent, Surrey & Sussex Deanery boosts performance of Doctors and appraisers
NHS South East region recognised the need to develop Doctor’s Appraisers to enable them not only to judge the quality of Doctors going through the revalidation process but to provide leadership and support for Doctors’ future learning.
“I’ve personally seen a real step change in my leadership team since we undertook the training, especially in how they engage with different levels of people”
The Serocor Group reduce complaints & drive up performance and efficiency
Read how The Serocor Group reduced attrition, misconduct and complaints and drove up performance and efficiency using Business EQ.
“The EBW enhanced our recruitment process by allowing us to identify candidate’s Emotional Intelligence…enabling our recruiters to raise unique questions rather than one size fits all”
Hy-Phen uses Business EQ for successful volume recruitment at Steria
How recruitment firm Hy-Phen have successfully used the EBW’s Business Emotional Intelligence Assessment and tools for their volume recruitment campaigns for Steria for 3 years running.
“I was amazed at the quality...I am a trainer and have been to loads of trainer days, the EBWt team assessment made this the best training course I’ve ever been on”
Leadership Development in ZHAW’s Executive MBA Programme
See how Zurich University of Applied Sciences is successfully using Business Emotional Intelligence in the Leadership Development component of their International Executive MBA programme.
“78% found regular employment or a study position within one month of the programme end”
Improving Influence and Employment
See how EBW Global Partners in the UK & Finland investigated whether boosting Business Emotional Intelligence would improve people’s Impact, Influence and employment chances.
“Nearly 90% of participants reported that they understood and managed their emotions and key behaviours better”
Home Office improves diversity by developing EQ in female leaders
See how Springboard Consultancy used Emotional Intelligence in a management development programme for senior women at the Home Office, resulting in improvements in the participants’ ability to recognise and manage their emotions and behaviours at work and better performance.
“3 years after release - none of the now ex-prisoners have re-offended (statistics that have been verified by the Home Office)”
Emotional Intelligence interventions lead to zero reoffending in prisoners
See how EBW Certified Partner, Mobile Team Challenge Ltd (MTC), successfully used insights from the EBW Emotional Intelligence assessment tools to prevent reoffending in prisoners. .

How Can We Help You?
Let us help you grow your business - contact us to start your journey, find out more about becoming a Partner to use EBW assessments and tools, or find an EBW Certified Partner to work with.