Business EQ Assessment
The Business EQ assessment measures and raises awareness about the underlying emotional and behavioural traits that drive workplace performance.
What is the Business EQ Assessment?
The Business EQ assessment is a trait based psychometric assessment that measures Business Emotional Intelligence (emotional intelligence in the workplace). It measures and raises awareness about the underlying emotional and behavioural traits that drive performance.
The Business EQ assessment allows you to assess and increase the performance of leaders, teams and managers because it operates at a deeper level on the critical emotions that underpin behaviour.
With over 20 years of research and validation worldwide, the Business EQ assessment provides you with deep insights into the drivers of behaviour, to explore how the management of critical emotions and behaviours is linked to the success of leaders and teams.
Diagram Above: The EBW Business EQ Compass
Accurate individual psychometric assessment
The Business EQ assessment is a powerful diagnostic tool that enables you to get to the root of individual behavioural dynamics. The assessment measures seven multi-dimensional emotional behavioural traits that predict occupational performance.
Practical, intuitive & easy to use diagnostic
Insights are translated into performance outcomes through the use of the EBW Business EQ Compass, Tools and Programmes. Leaders can understand the intuitive logic of Business EQ and see the return on investment.
Reliable insights with Impression Management
A unique feature of the Business EQ assessment is its self-awareness scale and impression management tool that provides insight into an individual’s level of awareness and what they are trying to hide from themselves and others.
Supports diversity, equality and inclusion
Business EQ assessment has been underpinned by rigorous research into diversity, individual and group differences as well as being developed into numerous different languages, making it particularly suitable for international applications.
What does the Business EQ psychometric assessment Measure?
The Business EQ assessment is a normative measure based on multi-dimensional emotional behavioural traits specifically focussed on occupational performance:
Willingness to make decisions; the need for control and the level of comfort with decision making responsibility.
Level of energy, passion, drive and enthusiasm for work; being optimistic and positive, need for achievement & challenge.
The drive to influence others and persuade them; the drive to be heard and have an impact.
Desire for & enjoyment of variety; capacity to keep an open mind and be flexible with different and creative approaches.
The ability to recognise, be sensitive to, and consider others’ feelings, needs and perspectives. The need to understand, to help, and work with others.
The need to plan and have structure, be diligent and meet deadlines; the level of comfort with conforming and following the rules.
Stress Resilience
The capability to relax and deal with the day to day pressures of work; level of comfort with showing & managing emotions, e.g. can control temper.
Self Awareness
This scale is an index of the extent to which an individual’s EBW scores is likely to correspond with the way that others would score them on the EBW scales.

“I found undertaking the EBW assessment refreshing and insightful. The report it generated I found to be accurate and useful confirming many of the things I need to work on. I would recommend this exercise and process for all leaders hoping to better their leadership style and indeed themselves as a person."
Chief Executive Officer (NHS Trust)
What does the Business EQ assessment Provide?
Available in multi-languages, the Business EQ assessment provides:
Awareness of how emotions impact behaviour leading to performance change, and a blueprint to shift individuals’ emotional behaviour to improve their own and others’ performance
Comparison against others (leaders, doctors, managers etc)
Insights into blind spots that stop individual and team potential
A road map to different authentic leadership styles
Different reports options including individual feedback reports, group feedback reports and selection reports
Discover our range of Report Options
We offer a range of report options to help you with the specific situation you are facing. With Business EQ, it’s easy to choose the report option that best suits your needs.
Great as a springboard for leadership programmes, executive coaching and recruiting senior or critical roles. It compares results with international norms (CEOs, Management etc) to provide a detailed analysis of a person's Business EQ & a benchmark for success.
Ideal for coaching or as the basis for a development programme, this report has an executive summary, in-depth interpretation under each scale and sections for the user to consider how they might wish to improve their Business EQ to raise their performance.
This report is a superb tool for recruitment and talent identification. This report saves preparation and interview time by providing insights into a candidate’s Business EQ, combined with a semi-structured interview guide, with unique focused behavioural questions.
For leaders who want to take their leadership to the next level. Using the EBW leadership compass, leaders can understand the impact of their leadership and the differing effects their emotions and behaviours have on their people and the culture they create.

Want to see the EBW assessment reports? Request sample reports today
Would you like to see a real copy of all of our Business EQ assessment report options? We would be pleased to send them to you by email - fill in the form to request your sample reports today.
Coaches, Consultants, HR Experts & Psychologists solve business challenges
The Business EQ assessment can be used with individuals, teams, managers and leaders to quickly understand how critical emotions and behaviours impact on the success of themselves and others.
EBW Global assessments are different from other psychometric assessments because they focus on Business Emotional Intelligence whilst being combined with a set of powerful tools and practical programmes that allow you to improve the performance of leaders and teams.
The Business EQ assessment can used alongside our team assessment and other tools and programmes enabling you to quickly and easily deliver bespoke solutions for Diversity & Inclusion programmes, Cultural Transformation programmes, Team Building, Leadership Development, Boosting Group Performance, Coaching Programmes, Recruitment, Selling With EQ and more!
Want to use the Business EQ Assessment in your organisation? Become certified to to use our range of assessments and ‘done for you’ tools and programmes. Alternatively, remove the stress from in-house delivery and find a Certified Partner to provide Business EQ services for you.
Business EQ is ideal for:
Coaches, Consultants, Psychologists & Leadership Experts who need for solutions that are reliable, easy to use & provide demonstrable results and return on investment.
In-house HR professionals, L&D professionals, leaders and managers who need solutions that are guaranteed to change the way their people think, behave and perform at work.
You can download more information on the science behind the EBW system as a PDF here.

“I have found the EBW to be beneficial in giving a greater insight to candidates during recruitment. I particularly like the way the reports focus on Business Emotional Intelligence which results in the nature of the information provided mapping quite readily onto those areas that are applicable to business success.“
Tom Esser CPsychol (Psychologist)
Technical Overview
The first EBW assessment was developed in 1997 by Dr Neil Scott et al. and has been examined through behavioural observations, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, correlations with related measures over the last 20 years.
It has been underpinned by rigorous research into diversity, individual and group differences as well as being developed into numerous different languages, making it particularly suitable for international applications.
The EBW psychometric meets and exceeds the test standards laid down by the British Psychological Society for reliability and validity and its technical manual contains full development, validation and reliabilities studies and international norm groups.
What makes the EBW psychometric assessment different from other assessments and questionnaires is, not only its focus on Business Emotional Intelligence, but how it has been combined with unique tools and powerful programmes to enable leaders and teams to understand how to change the way they work together to improve their performance.
Uses international 'business' English
Assessments available in multi-languages (including: Chinese, Korean and Arabic)
Avoids age, religion, disability, race and gender/sexuality bias
Can be completed in under 20 minutes
Is scored and an individual report developed in under 10 minutes
Is supported by a wide range of expert reports
You can download more information on the science behind the EBW system as a PDF here.

How Can We Help You?
Let us help you grow your business - contact us to start your journey, find out more about becoming a Partner to use EBW assessments and tools, or find an EBW Certified Partner to work with.