Boosting Group Performance
We help people understand the underlying nature of their own responses and those of other people, so they can manage the quality of their relationships.
Boost Performance with our range of Tools and Programmes
Our Performance Toolkit provides you with the skills, knowledge and template materials to design and deliver our Boosting Performance Workshops for your customers and colleagues.
The Boosting Performance Workshop uses practical business scenarios to develop delegates’ Business Emotional Intelligence. Delegates see how developing their Business EQ can improve their success at work.
Your pathways to harnessing Business EQ to boost performance
Become an EBW Certified Partner for full access to our Business EQ assessments, plus our range of ‘done for your Boosting Performance Tools and Programmes.
EBW Certification
Find a Certified Partner who can bring their expertise and deliver Boosting Performance Programmes for your organisation.
Work with a Certified Partner
Programme Benefits:
A benchmark of your Business Emotional Intelligence (you will receive your own unique EBW Emotional Intelligence Report) and what this means for your success in the workplace.
An opportunity to learn and practice how to manage your own emotions and behaviour to be more successful in the workplace.
The skills to recognise and respond effectively to the emotions and behaviours of others.
An understanding of how to build empathic relationships with others.
Learn what you need to do to manage & improve your own and others' resilience (stress management).
Your own personal Business Emotional Intelligence Action Plan, so you can continue developing your Business EQ and success after the workshop.
Emotional Responsibility
Empower people to understand and take personal responsibility for the critical emotions and behaviours that impact on their performance.
Understanding Yourself & Others
Using Business Emotional Intelligence allows people to learn, practice and improve their ability to understand themselves and others.
Emotional Mangement
It covers how emotions can be managed and focused to ensure greater task efficiency and effectiveness between colleagues and customers.
Deep Level Understanding
Business EQ enables people to change their performance by operating at a deeper level of attitudes and feelings that underpin behaviour.
Why use Business EQ to Boost Group Performance?
Are you searching for an inspiring programme to boost the performance of your people or your client’s people? Do you need a trusted & effective method for improving the way people work with each other?
Are you looking to help individuals understand their impact on their colleagues and customers? Would you like to build more resilience and personal responsibility for workplace success?
The Business EQ Assessment together with our bespoke Boosting Performance Workshop is ideal for those in working environments where there are frequent and challenging interactions with colleagues and customers.
It is particularly useful for those who need to understand the underlying nature of their own and others' responses and who want to improve the quality of their relationships.
“Our experience with over 150 participants to date has demonstrated that the EBW Emotional Intelligence process has increased their self awareness and motivates them in their roles."
Prof. A Tavabie - Dean of Postgraduate GP Education
“One of my key drivers was to understand how we could get the best out of each other. I’ve personally seen a real step change in my team since we undertook the training, especially in how they engage with each other. We’ve also seen our time to excellence decrease which has resulted in positive impact to the bottom line.”
MD Corporate Services, ARM
This ‘done for you’ programme covers the following areas:
What is Emotional Intelligence?
Intrapersonal Intelligence - understanding yourself, developing Self Awareness & understanding your blind spots.
Using EBW Emotional Intelligence model to understand ourselves and others.
Motivation / drives under stress & creative thinking.
Decision making and influencing others under stress.
Active listening & influencing.
Emotional responses - recognising and understanding others' emotions.
Next steps - the Business EQ Action Plan & continued learning for improving personal performance.
Discover our Boosting Performance Workshop
The Boosting Performance Workshop is a 1 or 2 day programme that uses practical business scenarios to develop delegates’ Business Emotional Intelligence. Delegates see how developing their Business EQ can improve their success at work.
Want to offer this Workshop in your business? Become certified to use our Business EQ Assessments plus our range of ‘done for you’ tools and programmes. Alternatively, remove the stress from in-house delivery and find an EBW Certified Partner to run our programmes for you.
“Understanding the team's comfort zones and what different colleagues found challenging about our team was a real eye opener.”
Senior Manager
How the NHS Boosted Group Performance
NHS Kent, Surrey & Sussex Deanery
NHS South East region recognised the need to develop Doctor’s Appraisers to enable them not only to judge the quality of Doctors going through the revalidation process but to provide leadership and support for Doctors’ future learning.
Percentage of doctors who said they would apply knowledge and skills gained in their role.
Learn with our Performance Articles

How Can We Help You?
Let us help you grow your business - contact us to start your journey, find out more about becoming a Partner to use EBW assessments and tools, or find an EBW Certified Partner to work with.
Convincing senior leaders and budget holders to invest in EQ initiatives can often be a challenge. Despite clear evidence, many still see EQ as a “soft skill” without measurable returns, focusing instead on short-term results.
What are arguments and the evidence for focusing on Emotional Intelligence at work.