Articles & Resources
EBW Global has become one of the most trusted names in Emotional Intelligence assessments, tools and programmes. Explore our articles today.
Leaders: This is the best way to motivate your teams!
Research from Canada using 101 teams suggests that motivating your team is all about ensuing you have the basic building blocks for a team - have a shared and agreed understanding of the work that needs to be accomplished.
Improve Your Team's Identity - Increase Productivity and Performance
Find out how Emotional Intelligence training can reduce absenteeism and presenteeism.
Building Trust in Teams is Tough!
How do leaders gain trust to create the change businesses need to survive? Discover what research tell us about how to build trust in teams quickly and effectively in times of change.
How to reduce conflict in teams
Most successful teams reach a crisis point where the team performance suffers. Discover how high performing teams ensure they reduce conflict, build resilience and improve performance.
How leaders can motivate their teams
Research from Canada using 101 teams suggests that motivating your team is all about ensuing you have the basic building blocks for a team - have a shared and agreed understanding of the work that needs to be accomplished.
How to help executive teams perform better
Discover how executive teams use EBWt Team Effectiveness Programme to build successful high performing teams. See the results from companies that have used EBWt Team Coaching Toolkit to integrate new board members quickly and effectively to create successful boards.
Are your teams really engaged in their work?
How leader can galvanise employee engagement. 3 leadership techniques to galvanise team engagement.
Building Trust in Virtual Teams in Times of Change
How do leaders create trust in virtual or separated teams who they need to adapt to change and innovation?
Why Psychological Safety Is Important In Teams
Research studies have shown that relational conflict, or personal disagreements in a team, is an indication of poor teamwork. After all, when the conflict is no longer about the work itself, but about personal matters the focus is no longer on the team task.
How Leadership Style Affects Remote Teams' Performance
How leadership style affects team performance. Which kind of leadership is more effective: one where a clear direction is given to the team, or where the members are allowed to make the decisions themselves?
How Team Dynamics Influence Team Performance
Research suggests that understanding your team dynamics is key to leaders knowing when and how to influence to improve performance.
Why Is Team Identity Important For Productivity
Research shows that teams who build a strong identity reduce absenteeism and improve productivity. Discover 5 ways to improve a team’s identity.
6 Reasons Why Teams Fail
Research (Hackman et al etc.) has consistently shows that teams, especially disruptive teams (teams that are made up of strong personalities, expertise and experience) often fail to deliver on their potential.

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